This is a recipe that Abby’s been wanting to do for ages. And I’ve been wanting her to do it for ages to use up a tin of condensed milk I’ve had in the pantry for ages. We had a great opportunity to make it this weekend – full of gluten, dairy and ‘normal’ sugar […]
Strawberry cupcakes
Can I just start this post by saying how awesome Abby is? She had a friend over for a sleepover last night and when I went down to see them this morning, I found that Abby had done all the ironing for the week WHILE her friend was here. How cool is she? Anyway, this […]
Marble cupcakes
Yep, it’s cupcake time again. Still. Abby had a vision of what she wanted to make … and this is the result! I had made a raspberry marble cake once, I think. It was for my mother-in-law’s birthday many years ago (and I think I gave a slice to one of my friends who had […]
Polenta cupcakes
Apologies for those of you who have signed up to get updates and haven’t received anything from me for a while. Be assured that I’ve been busy in the kitchen, there was just a glitch in the add-in that sent out the automatic e-mails. As always, please feel free to comment whenever and wherever you […]
S’mores mini cheesecakes
Abby and I have been creating in the kitchen again. Well, this time mainly Abby dreaming up the recipe and wanting to try it. You may recall we tried to make a gluten-free dairy-free mini caramel cheesecake a while ago (see here) and while the cheesecake worked ok, the caramel topping was definitely not worth […]
Flourless ‘molten’ cupcakes
It’s been a while since Abby and I have spent much time in the kitchen together. Our Mummy-Abby time has been more about going for walks, watching movies etc, but she really wanted to make these cupcakes after she was inspired from watching a number of episodes of Cupcake Wars on Netflix. The original recipe […]
Banana custard pie and another FISH lunch
This weekend we hosted another FISH lunch (Fellowship in Someone’s Home). We had an awesome family of four join us for lunch where we served turkey burgers (recipe here) and chicken sausages (bought from Costco), followed by lemon polenta cake (recipe here) and a banana custard pie. Grant has been asking me to make a […]
Chocolate orange cake (Jaffa cake)
First of all, the reason why I didn’t post anything last week was because our Mummy-Abby time was spent on a camping trip, rather than baking. Abby and I climbed up some mountains and had some good chats while trying to figure out how to get down again! This is a picture of us at the top […]
Chocolate peanut butter pie – take 2
For those of you keeping up to date with my adventures in the kitchen with Abby, you will remember that we made a chocolate peanut butter pie for Mother’s Day (read more here). And that it wasn’t the greatest because I played around with the recipe a lot to try to get it a little […]
Leftover chocolate muffins
In a similar manner to when we used up the cinnamon rolls that I didn’t really like the taste of. this week we used up some bought chocolate chip muffins. I really should learn from previous experiences, but maybe I need to stop experimenting in the kitchen for a while. Maybe I should just follow […]