Most of you would be aware by now that most of my time in the kitchen is spent making sweet things. But I do enjoy trying (being the operative word) to make delicious main-course dishes as well. Trying to make them from scratch, rather than relying on packet or jar mixes, and I’ve had some successes. Many failures though! But here’s some successes that I’ve had recently – check out the recipes by clicking on the pictures, try them, and let me know how you fare with them!
Last week Grant and I were blessed to be asked to cater for the local youth group. We had heaps of fun, pretending I was ‘head chef’ and Grant was my ‘sous chef’ (or however you spell it!). We made chilli con carne with sides of gluten-free cornbread (recipe here), corn chips and the option of sour cream. Even though the main chilli seasoning was from a packet, we fancied it up with other spices, beef stock, tomato paste and beans, onions and celery. The 20 people that were there thought it was great – one guy came back for about 4 servings of it! Sorry for the quality of the photo, but I forgot the camera and this was taken from my phone …
As always, I’d love to hear from you so PLEASE write comments on any recipes that you find interesting, or have tried, or just want to encourage me in my quest to relax and have adventures in the kitchen. And if you want to be kept up to date with the new things I put on the website, sign up with your e-mail in the box up the top of every page. I don’t send many e-mails, maybe one or two a week, so it shouldn’t clog up your inbox too much!
And remember, my Quest of making/eating foods according to the US National Food Day calendar is ongoing. Check out my adventures under ‘The Quest’ or through Twitter @sarahcookathome.
Until next time, enjoy cooking at home!