Category: Cooking with kids

Pumpkin pie

This week, we finally got to make the pumpkin pie that Abby wanted to make a few weekends ago.  But the last time I had made pumpkin pie, it wasn’t very tasty and I wasn’t impressed.  Mind you, that was also when I had bought some gluten-free graham crackers to make into a crust, and they […]

Mother’s Day weekend

Happy Mother’s Day!  Especially to my mum … I got thoroughly spoiled this weekend, with lots of kids in the kitchen time.  Let me take you through a run-down of how it all went: Saturday breakfast (in bed): The kids found some gluten-free pancake mix on special at the local grocery store while they were […]

Brownies and the FISH lunch

One of the great things about our church in Australia was the concept of having a FISH Lunch, not having fish and chips for lunch, but Fellowship in Someone’s Home.  We brought this with us to our current church and this weekend was the first FISH lunch.  Naturally we volunteered to be hosts and ended […]

The great Anzac biscuit challenge

April 25 is Anzac Day in Australia – the day that Australians celebrate the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.  And in Australia, we commemorate the day by baking Anzac biscuits (cookies to my US readers), to remember the wives of soldiers […]

Mini caramel cheesecakes

My challenge with Abby this week – gluten-free, dairy-free caramel cheesecakes.  I have made this recipe once before, about 2 years ago, and they were a success, but used a lot of ingredients that I now cannot eat without suffering the consequences.  When Abby was going through my recipe book a few weeks ago, she […]

Banana custard pie

Someone very wise once said ‘the only constant in life is change’ (anyone who knows who said this, feel free to comment below!).  That was so true this week as we tried to figure out Mummy-Abby and Mummy-Henry time.  Our ideas ranged from mini caramel cheesecakes, through to peach cobbler, date and lemon scones and […]


I didn’t realize just how Australian a pavlova is (or New Zealand-ish for those who want to get really picky) until I mentioned that the dessert of the week to be cooked by Abby and myself for Mummy-daughter time was pavlova.  The amount of blank stares I got when I mentioned this … well, it […]

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