Banana custard pie

Someone very wise once said ‘the only constant in life is change’ (anyone who knows who said this, feel free to comment below!).  That was so true this week as we tried to figure out Mummy-Abby and Mummy-Henry time.  Our ideas ranged from mini caramel cheesecakes, through to peach cobbler, date and lemon scones and chocolate crackle cookies.  And trying to figure out when to bake/make these things considering our night-time schedules are becoming more and more filled in.

But then we received an e-mail from my Dad (thanks Grandpa), reminding us that today, March 14 2015 is actually related to PI.  If you look at the way Americans show their dates, today is 3-14-15, which are the first 5 numbers in PI, the value to calculate the circumference and the area of a circle.  And he suggested we make a pie.  And when my dad suggests that I make something … there’s usually no good reason not to!

Grant has been asking me to make a banana custard pie FOREVER.  But I have always hesitated because I haven’t had much success with custard in the past, as my brother and his wife will testify to.  Anyway, we had some egg yolks left over from when Abby and I made our pavlova last week (read more here) and I found a recipe for custard that used exactly the same amount of egg yolks that we had.  It was like it was meant to be …

So Abby and I made my ugly pie crust (recipe here), substituting coconut oil for the butter and almond milk for the milk.  Added some bananas and then cooked up the custard.

2015-03-14 Banana custard pie


We actually put the bananas on the bottom of the pie, but they managed to rise up during the cooking process (anyone tell me why?).  Also sprinkled some nutmeg on top.

2015-03-14 Banana custard pie slice

Yeah, this wasn’t a success.  The custard just wasn’t ‘custard-y’.  I kind of got pretty bummed out over it all, even though the kids thought it tasted ok.  Better luck next week I guess.

Henry was going to help, but decided Mummy-Henry time this weekend would be watching a movie together.  And the movie was …. Harry Potter 4: The Goblet of Fire.

Until next time, enjoy cooking at home … with kids,


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