Welcome back to cooking with kids! It’s been a while, but Abby hasn’t stopped coming up with new and interesting ideas for me to test out in the kitchen. Sometimes she helps. Sometimes she doesn’t. I think her watching of food shows has slowed recently – but she’s still got a few crazy combinations of […]
Veggie Fries!
I’m so excited! I’m so excited! Why? Well, I have just had some of my recipes chosen to be published by an honest-to-goodness food company! Veggie Fries are Frozen French Fries made from a blend of all natural farm grown vegetables, legumes and potatoes, chopped and blended together with herbs, spices and just a […]
Strange cookie ingredients
I had a bizarre idea a few weeks ago – what can I put in cookies that people wouldn’t necessarily think of putting in cookies. And my brain started whirring. Then I spent a very enjoyable day in the kitchen baking a number of different types of cookies, basically using up a whole pile of ingredients I […]
I bake … therefore I run
I realize I haven’t posted many new recipes recently. Don’t worry, my dear friends. I’ve got stacks of yummy new things for you to try out. Things that range from spicy Thai cucumber salad to flourless tahini cookies just to name a few. I just need to download the photos and get my butt into gear […]
Our ‘P’ week
A few weeks ago, Grant and I were in our local grocery store and saw some Spanish chorizo sausage. One of our favorite snacks many years ago was cheese, crackers and chorizo. So we thought we’d have a night where we would have this in front of the TV (for Friday night family time!). I […]
Cooking the recipe book – part 1
As mentioned previously, Abby mentioned that she wanted to cook through my recipe book (a.k.a this website). It’s taken a while for me to download these photos so I could tell you all about the experiences, but hope it’s worth the wait! Fortunately for me, my recipe book is organized with breakfast items first, so I […]
Nut allergies …
As most of you know, I love nuts. Specifically peanuts. My typical go-to meal for when we have guests is a peanut satay chicken stir-fry (using this sauce), followed by a chocolate pudding (recipe here). We recently had some dinner guests where one of the kids was/is allergic to nuts. All nuts. My alternative go-to […]
Competition entry
My wonderful readers, I need your help! I have entered the Earth Balance Cupcake Challenge with some yummy blueberry crumble cupcakes. The winner is determined by which photo/recipe obtains the most votes, so follow the link here (Earth Balance Cupcake Challenge and choose the tab with ‘Gallery’) and where you see the following photo, click on the […]
Corn vs stomach and monster cookies
Some of you may be aware that I’ve been experiencing some pretty terrible stomach pains over the last month or so – to the point that I’ve had to come home from work on a number of occasions. I went to the doctor and he gave me a huge list of things to try to […]
Everything’s better with bacon
We’ve been in the US for just over 18 months now and have realized the truth of the statement ‘everything is better with bacon’. When Grant and I get to go out for a work dinner (at someone else’s expense) there’s usually the question of whether any of the appetizers are wrapped in bacon! I […]