Category: The Blog!

Comparison – monster cookie recipes

This is the experiment you’ve all been waiting for … the battle of the monster cookie recipes!  Since I found these two recipes, I’ve been wanting to try them out, but since Australian M&Ms contain gluten, I’ve had to wait until I went to North America again to do this.  And then I had the […]

So much to learn!

I’m currently on vacation (yay!) and I’m visiting my brother and his family.  He’s kindly let me have the run of his kitchen, and as you all know, this makes me very happy!  It took me less than 24 hours before I got stuck into baking here.  But, I didn’t have many things turn out […]

Savoury foods

Most of you would be aware by now that most of my time in the kitchen is spent making sweet things.  But I do enjoy trying (being the operative word) to make delicious main-course dishes as well.  Trying to make them from scratch, rather than relying on packet or jar mixes, and I’ve had some […]

Trying new recipes

Along with my National Food Day quest (follow my adventures here), I’m still trying some new recipes.   However, this hasn’t been without dramas either .  This weekend I’ve managed to: Break our food processor, affectionately known as ‘The Wazzer’, meaning we needed to buy a new one … Burn the filling for a special dessert […]

Things I’ve learned this week

Lots of baking this weekend (lots of eating, some exercise as well!).  I learned a lot about various things that I’d like to share with you all – feel free to comment on any of these or add your own experiences! The type of white cooking chocolate used in recipes is really important.  Generic brand […]

Internet recipes

This weekend I tried out a number of recipes I’ve been finding on the internet – those I’ve wanted to try for ages, but other things (like life) have gotten in the way.  Unfortunately I didn’t have that many successes … not to say the recipes were at fault, it was more likely my conversion […]

Successes … and failures (kind of)

I had a number of successes this week .. and some failures that weren’t actually that bad. Wins: Really soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies (recipe here) Really soft and chewy peanut butter cookies (recipe here) Arroz con leche – rice pudding – with cranberries instead of raisins (recipe here) Not-so-successful: Flourless chocolate chip cookies – […]

Reader’s choice

I’m giving you the opportunity to have a say in what recipe I next post on this website.  I’ve done a reasonable amount of baking this weekend, although I’ve tried to make it a little healthier i.e. less added sugar, more natural ingredients.  And what I’d like to know is whether any of these finished […]

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