Wk 24 (Nov 19 – 25)

Week 24 done of my US National Food challenge, this time with 5 out of 7 accomplished!  Just so many yummy things to try and eat!

November 19 – Carbonated Beverage with Caffeine Day

Sorry, but what the …?  Why would this get a day to celebrate it?  Anyone??

November 20 – National Peanut Butter Fudge Day

Peanut butter pumpkin fudge For those of you playing at home, you would know that I LOVE peanut butter.  So, putting it into a fudge was not a chore at all.  But I found a recipe that included pumpkin (when I was on my pumpkin quest) and this was an absolute hit when I brought them into work.  I’ll put the recipe on this website shortly … so you can all enjoy the sugar rush!

November 21 – Gingerbread Day

Those of you who have been on this journey with me for a while would remember the quest for the ultimate gingerbread cookie that Grant requested.  And the recipe I ended up going with (story here).  Well, I was in my pumpkin mood, and some of the pumpkin choc chip cookies that the family had tried from stores here in the US smelt like gingerbread.  So I combined the two and came up with these.  They were ok, but not worth the effort really! 2014-11-21 Gingerbread cookie

November 22 – National Cashew Day

2014-11-22 Cashew granola bar Cashew nuts, with cashew butter into an all-natural granola bar.  Loosely based off of this recipe, with additions of honey, raisins, vanilla and a bit of cinnamon for spice – these were AWESOME.  Now, if I could just remember the proportions, I could give you the recipe (and I could make it again …!

November 23 – Eat a Cranberry Day 

 Grant loves cranberries and Costco sell them by the big bag.  So, since we’ve moved to the US, we’ve always had cranberries in the pantry.  I thought I could make some cranberry/white chocolate cookies for this day, but then wanted to make something a little more savory, a little more healthy.  So I made a sandwich on gluten-free bread, with cream cheese, turkey, spinach and topped with cranberries.  It was nice and refreshing … a great combination! 2014-11-23 Turkey and cranberry sandwich

November 24 – National Sardines Day

2014-11-24 Sardine & avocado sandwich I wasn’t going to make/do anything for this day, but then we watched another episode of Good Eats with Alton Brown and he shared his recipe for a sardine and avocado sandwich.  I adapted it to my tastes and preferences, and voila – I got to celebrate another day that I wasn’t planning on!

November 25 – National Parfait Day

I just thought I’d have a rest day – been cooking quite a bit recently and just needed a break!

Coming up next week:

  • November 26: National Cake Day 
  • November 27: National Bavarian Cream Pie Day
  • November 28: National French Toast Day
  • November 29: Chocolates Day / National Lemon Creme Pie Day
  • November 30: National Mousse Day
  • December 1: National Pie Day
  • December 2: National Fritters Day

Stay tuned to see which ones I choose to make/eat and how successful (or not) I am! 

Follow me via Twitter at @sarahcookathome or subscribe here to receive the regular updates.  And remember, you can comment on any recipe you see, or just give me encouragement in this challenge here!

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