Wk 14 (Sept 10 – 16)

Week 14 done of my US National Food challenge with 5 out of 7 accomplished!  Add that to a new full-time job and still trying to figure out this living in the US thing … not bad, I do believe!

September 10 – TV Dinner Day

Just no … not going to happen!  Highly processed food on a tin tray … not my idea of a good meal!

 September 11  National Hot Cross Bun Day

2014-09-11 Hot cross buns I loved this excuse to make hot cross buns at a time nowhere near Easter!  I have only made them once before, when we were in Chile, and they were really yummy!  This was a chance for me to try the recipe again and see how I went this time round.  So they weren’t the traditional hot cross buns that you can get in the shops, more like fruit buns with a cross on top.  Still ok to eat, though!

September 12 – National Chocolate Milkshake Day

For those of you following my quest, you will remember that the last time I made a milkshake, it was yummy, but it didn’t agree with my stomach very well.  I was going to sit this day out, but at the last minute, realised we had some ice cream, some chocolate chips and I just felt like making it.  So I did, and the family loved it! 2014-09-12 Chocolate milkshake

September 13 – National Peanut Day 

2014-09-13 Peanut satay chicken I could have used this day as an excuse to make some cookies or slice with peanut butter (yum!), but I thought I’d do a savoury dish this time around.  So I made my peanut satay sauce (recipe here) with some chicken, rice and veggies.  A more healthier option, considering the other days in the calendar!

September 14 – Eat a Hoagie Day & National Cream Filled Donut Day

 Not being American by birth, I didn’t really know what a Hoagie was.  But then Google is a wonderful thing – I found it was simply a submarine sandwich.  So I used a gluten-free hot dog roll, toasted it, and added my favourite toppings, turkey, avocado, sun-dried tomato and spinach.  Yum! (and healthy!) 2014-09-14 Hoagie
2014-09-14 Cream filled donut Again, something I wasn’t planning on doing, but found some gluten-free donuts, put some Cool Whip on the bottom and pressed down (thanks to Grant’s suggestions!).  For a gluten-free processed product, the donut actually wasn’t too bad … not that I’ll be having too many of them though!  And two days in one done … does that count double for my quest?

September 15 – National Linguini Day

Bacon & broccoli spaghetti carbonara One advantage of living in the US is being able to find lots of gluten-free pasta, even linguine.  I found some quinoa linguine in Whole Foods, and topped it with my favourite bacon and broccoli sauce (recipe here), using real bacon!  A family favourite for sure!  For those of you playing at home, you will realise this is a recycled photo – I DID take the photo of the linguini, but somehow must have deleted it from the camera …

 September 16 – National Guacamole Day

I would have loved to have done this day, but considering I’m the only one in my family that likes avocado, I’d have to eat all the guacamole I made for myself, so I decided not to!

Coming up next week:

  • September 17: National Apple Dumpling Day
  • September 18: National Cheeseburger Day
  • September 19: National Butterscotch Pudding Day
  • September 20: National Rum Punch Day
  • September 21: International Banana Festival / National Pecan Cookie Day
  • September 22: National Ice Cream Cone Day
  • September 23: National White Chocolate Day

Stay tuned to see which ones I choose to make/eat and how successful (or not) I am! 

Follow me at @sarahcookathome or subscribe here to receive the regular updates.  And remember, you can comment on any recipe you see, or just give me encouragement in this challenge here!

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