Hi – thanks for visiting and taking the time to check out my website. I am very much a newbie at website design and would love to hear your suggestions at how to improve the site. Also would love to hear any suggestions you have to improve the recipes I’ve put here!

Gluten-free ladybugs
Preheat oven to 375o F or 200oC.
Spray cookie sheet with extra virgin olive oil.
1 cup dairy-free margarine or Crisco shortening
½ cup icing sugar (pure cane sugar that is gluten free)
1 cup self-rising gluten free flour
1 ¼ c plain gluten free flour
1 t. vanilla
Sift the dry ingredients into large bowl of mixer.
Add margarine and vanilla and mix on low speed.
Press some of mixture into the bowl of a large metal or plastic stirring spoon.
Tap out onto cookie sheet. Repeat until all mixture is used.
Bake for about 25 minutes or until cookies are golden brown.
Let cool on sheet.
Move to paper towel until almost cold.
Gluten free icing mixture/sugar (pure cane sugar)
1 egg
1/3 cup of dairy free margarine
Red and yellow food colouring (to make orange)
Beat icing mixture, egg, margarine together until smooth. Start with 1 cup of icing mixture and add until the consistency is easy to spread.
Spread on cookies.
Cut 1 cm pieces of licorice for heads on each cookie. Cut thin slivers of licorice for the spots. Put them together.
Since the original recipe from which this was adapted turned out fairly dry cookies, it might be best to have a cup of tea or coffee while eating these.
Sorry, can’t get photo up.
Hi Sarah. It all looks great. We are also heading back home after a relatively short stint in Chile. Am so looking forward to good food and an oven that works. So when I’m back I will give some of your delicious recipes a whirl.
Warmest alls always,