These grilled pork chops with fall flavors as a topping are Whole30 compliant and should be eaten all year round!
Do you ever have moments where you have a combination of ingredients in your head that you want to try and it just won’t get out unless you try it? That’s what happened with this recipe. I saw so many recipes with fall flavors – pumpkin, pecans, apples – on social media that my brain started ticking over. And those of you who’ve been with me for a while know what happens then. I just have to try it.
We had pork chops lined up for dinner one night – still trying to keep the Whole30 food template going of a palm-sized protein and the rest veggies. And I wanted to incorporate fruits more into the main meal, rather than treating them as a ‘dessert’ after meals. I came home and asked Grant what he thought of a topping that included apples and onions for the pork chops. And he said he’d try it. No matter what.
So I added a bit of stuff here, and a bit of stuff there (all the while writing it down so I could post it here) and this pork chops with fall flavors meal came out really well! So much that Henry wanted to have more of the topping on his chops after all of us had had at least a few spoonfuls. It’s a simple recipe, but if it’s kid and husband-approved, I’d say it gets the thumbs up and the plea from me to you to try it!

Pork chops with fall flavors topping
(Paleo, Whole30, gluten-free, dairy-free)
- 1 apple cored and cubed
- 1 onion finely chopped
- 1 stick celery finely chopped
- 2 tbs balsamic vinegar
- 2 tbs orange juice
- 4 pork loin chops
Heat a medium frying pan over a medium heat and add oil if not non-stick.
Place the apple, onion and celery in the pan and saute until onion has softened slightly.
Add balsamic vinegar and orange juice, turn the heat down and cover with lid. Continue over heat until all ingredients are softened together.
Grill pork chops separately and add topping just prior to serving.