Make your own mayonnaise at home, with good, Whole30 compliant ingredients – it’s so simple!
I have to admit, I have taken my time in trying to make my own mayonnaise. Don’t know quite why, maybe I got scared when I read all the horror stories about other people failing miserably. Or maybe it was just because when we moved to the US, we couldn’t take our immersion blender (AKA s lender blender, stab mixer – you know, the appliance you hold upright and it blends down the bottom!) with us due to the changes in electricity requirements. Or maybe it was just because I was lazy. Who knows?
But when I was going through my two rounds (and counting) of Whole30, I realized that even though most mayonnaises are gluten and dairy-free, they can still contain some pretty ugly ingredients. Especially the fat-free versions. Now I have a constant battle in my head when it comes to fat and calories. I know that the natural types of fat are good for your body, but they do still pack a punch in calorific value. But I have to keep telling myself, that as long as I’m not sculling the mayo and slathering it on every single thing I eat, this version is much better for me than the store-bought stuff full of artificial ingredients.
I actually first tried making the mayo recipe from the Whole30 cookbook but then branched out on my own a little, and made this concoction myself. Which I have to say, I enjoy very much. Especially with potatoes in my ridiculously easy potato salad, the more ‘classy’ Spanish version of potato salad instead of sour cream, or on my homemade burgers, or turkey and avocado burgers, or even on my omelettata … the list goes on! And I’ve found it’s not as scary as I thought. Just make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature. And drizzle in the oil very slowly. That’s it. Give it a go and let me know what you think!

Homemade mayonnaise
(Paleo, Whole30, gluten-free, dairy-free)
- 1 1/4 cups light olive oil divided
- 1 large egg
- 2 tsp coarse-grained mustard
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp lemon juice
Place 1/4 cup olive oil, the egg, mustard and salt together in a blender or food processor and mix thoroughly.
While the blender or processor is running, very slowly drizzle in the remaining 1 cup of oil - the slower you add the oil, the thicker and creamier the emulsion will be.
After all the oil has been added and the mixture has emulsified, add the lemon juice and blend on low to incorporate.
Recipe Notes
- Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature prior to making this mayonnaise.
- If using a food processor, make sure there is the ability to drizzle in oil while the processor is running.